We are grateful for all of the amazing folks who donated to our 2014 Indiegogo campaign to keep the festival going at a time when its future was uncertain. Thanks to their help we were able to meet festival expenses and ensure that our celebration of Harry Dean Stanton could grow into what it has become. For their generous donations, our deepest gratitude goes to:
Nick Barbieri
Duncan Barlow
Rick Bertelson
Will Burchard
Jason Cubert
Dinah Daley
Ginny Daley
Annabella D'Ambruoso
Angela Dragoo
Give Into The Groove*
James Ham
Robby Henson
Paul Hogue
Lori Houlihan
Keith Hudson
Jennifer Hummel
Kathy Lundy Jones*
Kentucky for Kentucky
Eric and Christine Kovac
Kathy Krebs
Jean Paul Leonard
the Morris book shop.*
Seana O'Neill
Lois Anne Polan
Jason Pollard
Scott Pollard
Nancy Riley
Linda Roberts
Arthur Rouse*
Mackenzie Royce
Sidebar Grill
Marla Simon
Ginger Smithwick
John Smithwick
Bob Stewart
Joe Turner
Eli Warner
Brian Whang*
Nathan White
Scott Whiddon and Carrie Green
Sellus Wilder
Nick Wilson
Derek Wingfield
*Indicates Sponsorship Level Donor!